Welcome to the YAH!Focused on Young Adult Ministries, the YAH is a centralized repository for all things related to young adults in the Oklahoma Mission Center.
*YAs can choose to call in or use their
computers/tablets/mobile devices web cams. |
Twice-Monthly Online Young Adult DevotionsYoung Adults from across the Mission Center come together twice a month for an online devotion. The group meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of every month.
YA RepresentativesOKMC is split up into four geographic areas. Each has its own YA Rep. who oversees the YA Congregational Reps. in his/her respective area.
central oklahoma
Haylie Hickman eastern oklahoma
Ashley Gayton northwest oklahoma
Ashley Sebree oklahoma city
Kahalealii Ishikawa |